Assisted Living Macungie, PA

Thank you for visiting the Macungie, PA directory of assisted living facilities. Does it seem like a family member or loved one requires extra assistance recently?

You want to make sure members of your family are comfortable, but fluctuating rates, services and amenities can make the entire task overwhelming. has made finding the correct assisted living facility faster and more convenient than ever in Macungie, PA. We can alleviate your concern by providing you with the best assisted living options.

You know the living and care your loved one needs. We know Assisted Living in Macungie.

76 Assisted Living Facilities in Macungie, PA

Search communities near you to learn more regarding living options, photos, fees, ratings, services, amenities, and more. Call (800) 755-1458 To speak to a adviser for more assistance.

The following facilities are located within 15 miles of Macungie, PA.

Abbe Hall

113 W 4th St, Bethlehem, PA 18015

Call (800) 755-1458

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Looking for a community that can cater to your needs while keeping your independence? Abbe Hall is the right choice for anyone looking for…

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Assisted Living in Cities Near Macungie, PA

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Cost of Assisted Living in Macungie, PA

It is necessary to be aware of what determines the fees for care in a Macungie, PA assisted living facility. The largest expenditure is the accommodations. Is it okay to share a two-bedroom unit, or is a private bedroom, bath, and kitchen needed? What amount of assistance will the occupant need? Will this level of care be enough for the near future, or will increased care be required?

  • Assisted Living Macungie Low: $1,255.00
  • Assisted Living Macungie Average: $3,620.00
  • Assisted Living Macungie High: $6,365.00
  • Pennsylvania Average: $3,750.00
  • National Average: $4,000.00

Reservation Deposit

Most assisted living communities in Macungie will charge future residents a reservation deposit. The deposit saves the accommodations of your choice for a period of time. It’s sometimes called a “community fee” and can be a few thousand dollars. Usually, this cost does not count towards any other charges and is usually refundable only if the would-be resident is unable to move into the facility for health reasons.

Base Fee

Basically this is your monthly “rent” once you live in the assisted living community. In Macungie the rates are determined by the size of the residential unit and whether you live alone or have a companion. Base fees include most basic maintenance, utilities, housekeeping and some meals. The base price is also based on the level of care you need, such as independent living, assisted living, or memory care.

Care Services Fee

The cost commonly utilizes a multi-level model based upon the level of care you want and it gets included in the monthly rate. The degree of assistance is typically based on the number of activities of daily living for which a occupant needs regular assistance. Activities of Daily Living involves toileting, eating, dressing, bathing, etc. The rate every month for care services in Macungie, PA varies from $150 or so for tier one and could go up to a few thousand dollars per month for tier five assisted living care. Precisely assessing the degree of care needed is one of the most important aspects of the decision process and also one of the more difficult to understand. The more thorough, intensive, and medical the assessment, the better the strategy of assistance and grasping of the pricing.

Other Fees

A large percentage of residents of assisted living facilities need to be reminded to take medicines at the right time and in the correct amount. Most assisted living communities accommodate prescription drug observance services for a separate charge. It’s ordinarily several hundred dollars a month, conditional to how complicated the prescription management is. If necessary, further support services like physical or occupational therapy would also be charged every month. Non-care associated services, probably including parking, special meals, and some activities as well.

Macungie, PA Assisted Living Amenities

Amenities that are supplied directly affect the quality of life for residents. All facilities offer some level, guaranteeing seniors are comfortable and content. Normal amenities offered are Meal Plan, Pool, and RN Staff. Bigger communities in Macungie have various luxurious amenities, so residents have the feeling that they’re staying at a resort.

Macungie, PA Assisted Living Services

During your search you’ll determine that communities in Macungie provide a wide variety of assisted living services. Assisted living facilities commonly offer services like Care Giving Services, Assistance with Hygiene, Diabetic Management, and Shopping Services. It’s crucial to figure out what services are covered and ones that have additional fees. You don’t want any surprises in your first bill.

Macungie, PA Assisted Living Activities

Residents need daily activities to stay robust and lively. A community should have a full agenda of events in the community, including visits to local attractions. Facilities schedule activities like Arts & Crafts, Social Events, and Computer Classes for residents to stay busy. Seniors in Macungie can visit landmarks, cafes, shopping, and other local attractions.

70% of people 64 or older will need long term care during their lives according to Genworth Financial.

Financial information and statistics based on Genworth Financial and Senior Advice.