Assisted Living Burnsville, MN

Welcome to the Burnsville, MN page for assisted living information and facilities. Does it seem like an aging family member needs a little extra help lately?

We all desire the best for family members, that’s why it’s important to take a careful look at all options when selecting an assisted living community. has made finding the perfect assisted living community faster and more convenient than ever in Burnsville, MN. We can tone down your anxiety by providing you with superior assisted living options.

You know your family member’s daily needs. We know Assisted Living in Burnsville.

206 Assisted Living Facilities in Burnsville, MN

Click communities near you to understand more concerning living options, photos, cost, ratings, services, amenities, and more. Call (800) 755-1458 to talk to a professional and get extra help.

The following facilities are located within 15 miles of Burnsville, MN.

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Assisted Living in Cities Near Burnsville, MN

Savage, MN Assisted Living
Apple Valley, MN Assisted Living
Bloomington, MN Assisted Living
Eagan, MN Assisted Living
Richfield, MN Assisted Living
Prior Lake, MN Assisted Living
Lakeville, MN Assisted Living
Edina, MN Assisted Living
Mendota Heights, MN Assisted Living
Farmington, MN Assisted Living
Eden Prairie, MN Assisted Living

Cost of Assisted Living in Burnsville, MN

It’s essential to comprehend what determines the fees for care in a Burnsville, MN assisted living facility. The biggest expense is the living quarters. Is it a private one-bedroom with a bathroom and kitchen, or is it a shared residence? What level of support will the occupant need? Will this level of care be adequate for the near future, or will additional care be needed?

  • Assisted Living Burnsville Low: $2,020.00
  • Assisted Living Burnsville Average: $3,885.00
  • Assisted Living Burnsville High: $6,315.00
  • Minnesota Average: $4,000.00
  • National Average: $4,000.00

Reservation Deposit

It is common for reservation deposits to be required at most assisted living facilities for future occupants in Burnsville. Deposits may be a few thousand dollars and it reserves the accommodations of your choice for a while, typically a few months. It is occasionally referred to as a “community fee”. Usually, this deposit does not apply to any other charges and is frequently refundable only if the potential occupant is unable to move into the community due to poor health.

Base Fee

To sum it up, this is your monthly “rent” once you move into an assisted living facility. In Burnsville the payment is modified depending upon the size of the residential unit and whether you live alone or have a companion. Maintenance, utilities, basic housekeeping and some meals are included in base fees. The base cost is also based on the type of services you need, like independent living, assisted living, or memory care.

Care Services Fee

The rate typically utilizes a tiered model determined by the level of care you want and it gets added to the monthly base fee. The degree of aid is mostly based on the amount of activities of daily living for which a occupant needs regular assistance. Activities of Daily Living involves toileting, grooming, dressing, dining, and more. The monthly price of care services in Burnsville, MN may vary from $150 or so for level one and could go up to a few thousand dollars per month for level five assisted care. Precisely assessing the amount of assistance needed is a crucial aspects of the decision process and also one of the more difficult to understand. The more detailed, clinical and comprehensive the assessment, the better the strategy of care and grasping of the rates.

Other Fees

A lot of residents of senior living communities need assistance remembering to take medicines at the right time and in the right amount. The majority of assisted living facilities accommodate medication supervision services for a separate fee. It’s usually a few hundred dollars per month, depending on how complex the medicine management is. If wanted, supplementary support services like physical or occupational therapy would also be charged on a monthly basis. Non-care related duties, likely guest parking, additional meals, and some events as well.

Burnsville, MN Assisted Living Amenities

The amenities that are provided influences the occupant’s quality of life directly. Every facility provides some amount, ensuring seniors are comfortable and happy. Routine amenities provided include Cable TV, Emergency Response System, and Specially Trained Staff. Bigger communities in Burnsville have many luxurious amenities, so residents have the feeling that they’re living at a resort.

Burnsville, MN Assisted Living Services

During your search you will observe that communities in Burnsville provide a wide variety of assisted living services. Assisted living communities commonly offer services like Care Giving Services, Assistance with Food, Diabetic Management, and Housekeeping. It is crucial to determine what services are included and ones that incur extra fees. You don’t want any surprises in your first bill.

Burnsville, MN Assisted Living Activities

Residents need routine activities to stay alert and lively. A facility should have a complete agenda of events in the facility as well as visits to local attractions. Communities organize activities like Cooking Classes, Sporting Events, and Birthday Parties for seniors to stay busy. Seniors in Burnsville have access to local cafes, landmarks, shopping, and other attractions.

At some point in their lives, as many as 70% of people will need senior care after 64 according to Genworth Financial.

Financial information and statistics based on Genworth Financial and Senior Advice.