Assisted Living Hartford, WI

Welcome to our directory of assisted living for Hartford, WI facilities. Are you exploring options for assisted living facilities for yourself or an aging parent?

Selecting an assisted living community for an aging family member is burdensome and sometimes can cause a lot of stress. commits itself to helping you find the perfect assisted living community in Hartford, WI. We can help lower your anxiety by giving you superior assisted living options.

You know your loved one’s daily needs. We know Assisted Living in Hartford.

25 Assisted Living Facilities in Hartford, WI

Click local communities to understand more concerning living options, photos, prices, ratings, activities, events, and more. Call (800) 755-1458 To speak with a professional for additional help.

The following communities are located within 15 miles of Hartford, WI.


330 Arbor Point Ave, W Bend, WI 53095

Call (800) 755-1458

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Choosing the right senior living is easy with Celia’s. We offer complete senior care and living choices for aging adult that…

Wellington Woods

W198n9375 Wellington Dr, Menomonee Falls, WI 53051

Call (800) 755-1458

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Wellington Woods is where active Menomonee Falls seniors thrive. Engaging events, luxurious apartments, and a convenient location. Tour…

Anthony Home

1231 Blue Dahlia Rd, Oconomowoc, WI 53066

Call (800) 755-1458

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Anthony Home offers a complete package of senior living and care services. Our residents are independent and active seniors who need a little help…

Mulberry Haus

238 Arbor Point Ave, W Bend, WI 53095

Call (800) 755-1458

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Everyone at Mulberry Haus makes a commitment to provide the best home possible in West Bend. Our family partners rely on us to give them comfort,…

Cedar Bay East

5577 Home Dr, W Bend, WI 53095

Call (800) 755-1458

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Do you want a social community, individual care, and amenities? Cedar Bay East does our best to provide this and more for all the residents who live…

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Assisted Living in Cities Near Hartford, WI

West Bend, WI Assisted Living
Mayville, WI Assisted Living
Hartland, WI Assisted Living
Germantown, WI Assisted Living
Sussex, WI Assisted Living
Oconomowoc, WI Assisted Living
Horicon, WI Assisted Living
Kewaskum, WI Assisted Living
Ixonia, WI Assisted Living
Menomonee Falls, WI Assisted Living
Pewaukee, WI Assisted Living

Cost of Assisted Living in Hartford, WI

It’s necessary to make sense of what determines the fees for care in a Hartford, WI assisted living facility. The biggest payment is the accommodations. Is a shared residence okay, or do you need a single bedroom and bath? What extent of aid will the occupant require? Will this level of care be enough for the near future, or will additional care be needed?

  • Assisted Living Hartford Low: $1,780.00
  • Assisted Living Hartford Average: $4,415.00
  • Assisted Living Hartford High: $5,770.00
  • Wisconsin Average: $4,300.00
  • National Average: $4,000.00

Reservation Deposit

It is common for reservation deposits to be required at most assisted living communities for future residents in Hartford. The deposit may be a few thousand dollars and it keeps the accommodations of your choice for a while, typically a few months. It is sometimes referred to as a “community fee”. Usually, the fee is not applied to any other charges and is usually only refundable if the would-be resident is unable to move into the facility for health reasons.

Base Fee

Basically this pays for “rent” once you move into an assisted living community. In Hartford the price is modified depending upon the square feet of the residential unit and whether you live alone or have a companion. Most base fees include basic maintenance, utilities, housekeeping and some meals. The base fee can also vary because of the type of services needed, like independent living, assisted living, or memory care.

Care Services Fee

This fee commonly uses a multi-level model based upon the amount of care you need and it gets added to the monthly base fee. The extent of assistance is normally based on the number of ADL’s for which a occupant requires regular assistance. Activities of Daily Living involves toileting, eating, dressing, bathing, and more. The scheduled rate of care services in Hartford, WI varies from $150 or so for level one and could go up to a few thousand dollars per month for level five assisted care. Properly determining the extent of aid needed is one of the most important aspects of the decision process and also one of the more difficult to understand. The more exhaustive, detailed, and analytical the assessment, the better the strategy of care and grasping of the cost.

Other Fees

Today, many residents of assisted living facilities need assistance remembering to take medicines at the right time and in the correct amount. Most assisted living communities regulate prescription management services for an additional fee. It’s ordinarily a few hundred dollars a month, depending on the complexity of the prescription administration. If necessary, supplementary ancillary services like physical or occupational therapy would also be charged every month. Non-care associated amenities, likely includes parking, additional meals, and some events too.

Hartford, WI Assisted Living Amenities

An occupant’s quality of life is directly influenced by what kind of amenities are supplied. All facilities offer some standard, making certain seniors are comfortable and happy. Normal amenities offered include Furnished Rooms, Sunroom, and RN Staff. Bigger facilities in Hartford have many luxurious amenities, so seniors feel like they’re staying at a resort.

Hartford, WI Assisted Living Services

Over the course of your search you will discover that facilities in Hartford offer a wide variety of assisted living services. Assisted living communities frequently offer services like Daily Assistance, Assistance with Hygiene, Life Enrichment Program, and Shopping Services. It is imperative to clarify what services are included and ones that incur additional charges. You don’t want to be shocked by your first invoice.

Hartford, WI Assisted Living Activities

Residents require routine activities to stay healthy and energetic. A community should have a full calendar of events in the community, including trips to local attractions. Facilities organize activities like Pinochle, Plays and Concerts, and Recreational Activities for seniors to keep busy. Seniors in Hartford have access to local restaurants, shopping, parks, and other attractions.

Up to 70% of seniors 64 or older will require long term care at some point in their lives according to Genworth Financial.

Financial information and statistics based on Genworth Financial and Senior Advice.