Assisted Living Pacific, MO

Welcome to our assisted living directory for Pacific, MO facilities. Are you browsing assisted living facilities for yourself or an aging parent?

Choosing an assisted living community for your loved one can be a difficult decision causing a lot of stress. Assisted Living Center dedicates itself to assisting you find the right assisted living community in Pacific, MO. We can tone down your concern by giving you superior assisted living options.

You know your loved one’s living and care needs. We know Pacific Assisted Living.

25 Assisted Living Facilities in Pacific, MO

Find facilities near you to learn more about living choices, photos, fees, ratings, services, amenities, and more. Call (800) 755-1458 To speak to a professional for more help.

The following communities are located within 15 miles of Pacific, MO.

Family Partners

232 Creve Coeur Ave, Ballwin, MO 63011

Call (800) 755-1458

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Looking for a community that can cater to your needs while keeping your independence? Family Partners is the right choice for anyone looking for the…

Bethesda Meadow

322 Old State Rd, Ballwin, MO 63021

Call (800) 755-1458

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At Bethesda Meadow , you will enjoy all of the best services and care available in Ballwin, but can remain as independent as you like. It’s why so…

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Assisted Living in Cities Near Pacific, MO

Eureka, MO Assisted Living
Dittmer, MO Assisted Living
High Ridge, MO Assisted Living
Ellisville, MO Assisted Living
Ballwin, MO Assisted Living
Valley Park, MO Assisted Living
Union, MO Assisted Living
Manchester, MO Assisted Living
Chesterfield, MO Assisted Living
Washington, MO Assisted Living
Fenton, MO Assisted Living

Cost of Assisted Living in Pacific, MO

It’s critical to know what determines the cost of care in a Pacific, MO assisted living community. The biggest fee is the residence. Is a shared residence okay, or do you need a single bedroom and bath? What level of aid will the occupant require? Will this level of care be adequate for the near future, or will increased care be required?

  • Assisted Living Pacific Low: $1,495.00
  • Assisted Living Pacific Average: $2,835.00
  • Assisted Living Pacific High: $7,528.00
  • Missouri Average: $2,844.00
  • National Average: $4,000.00

Reservation Deposit

Future residents are billed a reservation deposit at most Pacific assisted living facilities. Deposits can be a couple thousand dollars and it reserves the accommodations of your choice for a while, usually a few months. It is occasionally referred to as a “community fee”. Usually, the deposit does not apply to any other charges and is usually only refundable if the future occupant is unable to move into the community due to poor health.

Base Fee

The price of rent for the assisted living suite is paid for by the base fee. In Pacific the rate varies depending upon the size of the residential unit and whether you live alone or have a companion. Basic housekeeping, maintenance, some meals, and utilities are included in base fees. The base rate also depends on the level of care you need, such as independent living, assisted living, or memory care.

Care Services Fee

This fee normally uses a multi-level approach determined by the level of care you want and it gets added to the monthly base fee. The scope of assistance is commonly based on the number of ADL’s for which a occupant requires regular assistance. Activities of Daily Living include dining, bathing, toileting, dressing, and more. The monthly rate of caring services in Pacific, MO varies from $150 or so for tier one and could go up to a few thousand dollars per month for tier five assisted living caring. Precisely estimating the extent of assistance needed is one of the most important aspects when deciding, and also one of the more difficult to understand. The more medical, detailed, and exhaustive the assessment, the better the strategy of assistance and grasping of the rates.

Other Fees

A large percentage of seniors need to be reminded to take medicines at the right time and in the correct dosage. Many assisted living facilities arrange prescription drug supervision services for an additional charge. It’s commonly several hundred dollars a month, conditional to how complex the medicine management is. If it’s needed, additional ancillary services like occupational or physical therapy can also be billed on a monthly basis. Non-care dependent duties, probably including parking, additional meals, and some events too.

Pacific, MO Assisted Living Amenities

The amenities supplied influences the resident’s quality of life directly. Each facility provides some level, making sure seniors are comfortable and happy. General amenities offered are Private Bathrooms, Fireplaces, and Certified Nurse Staff. Bigger communities in Pacific have more luxurious amenities, so residents have the feeling that they’re living at a resort.

Pacific, MO Assisted Living Services

During your search you will see that communities in Pacific provide a wide variety of assisted living services. Assisted living communities routinely offer services like Wellness Program, Assistance with Bathing, Medication Management, and Phone Answering Service. It is key to figure out what services are included and ones that have extra fees. You don’t want any surprises in your first bill.

Pacific, MO Assisted Living Activities

Residents need steady activities to stay alert and lively. A facility should have a complete calendar of events in the facility as well as visits to local attractions. Facilities organize activities like Book Club, Putting Green, and Wii Lounge for residents to keep busy. Seniors in Pacific have access to local shopping, landmarks, cafes, and other attractions.

During their lives 70% of seniors over the age of 64 will need long term care according to Genworth Financial.

Financial information and statistics based on Genworth Financial and Senior Advice.